
Posts Tagged ‘nostalgia’

I love these sardines in oil since the day my parents brought this 6 year-old to their friend’s gathering. My family would never buy these sort of sardines but only of the more economical regional brands in regular with tomato sauce in cylindrical cans for our meals. In my family imported Norwegian sardines were considered an extravagance at RM1.20 a pop in 1971 for the cheapest brand with what I couldn’t make out if it was a green-capped gnome, midget or dwarf sleeping under a mushroom on the label (PIXIE).

Dad would pick up a can just for me whenever he had to visit this particular supermarket (Fitzpatrike’s) situated along Jalan Raja Chulan in Kuala Lumpur for work. I didn’t have to share with my siblings because they didn’t like it and would prefer the ‘economical’ ones with tomato sauce; good riddance for that!

In retrospect, Chinese fathers hardly showed any signs of endearment, especially from my dad’s generation but these little gestures among the countless were telling signs. To me they were never tactile with affection probably in fear of breaking some kind of an invisible wall to reveal some sort of weaknesses? They showed up by being present in every challenging circumstance that life threw at us…while I occasionally gave him and my mom headaches no asprins could have elevated!

This is why every time I see a can of these Norwegian sardines, I immediately think of him. No, Dad wasn’t a sardine…I am referring to his unconditional love.

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10 years is a long time and the WordPress app has evolved so much that I have to re-learn from scratch.

I came back recently intending to permanently delete this abandoned decade-old blog site but not before giving all that I have written here a final read-over. A number of those unedited postings were cringe-inducing but while I was re-reading them, I suddenly realized that I was glad that I had those moments recorded regardless of the outcome. Some also gave me momentous points to ponder on how far I have moved from then or if I have moved at all. That will be something that only I can or might derive from when I hit one of those philosophical or wisdom-seeking moments. I missed the excitement and challenges of writing for my blog even if it was for an audience of just one. Here’s to posterity and to another 100 years I guess.

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We wanted to do a big bash for Dad’s upcoming 80th Birthday this October. His actual age will be 79 but for the Chinese who follow the lunar calendar, the clock starts ticking the second a person is conceived. That 9 months will average out as a year.

My father is excited and looking forward to the event like a kid looking forward to a Christmas morning. He has been telling everyone about it and sending out verbal invitations but that is to Mom’s dismay because nothing solid has manifested yet and we are still selecting restaurants among other stuff.

The last time my father had a big birthday bash was 20 years ago when he hit 60. We celebrated at a Chinese restaurant. At the end of the dinner, a set consisting of a rice bowl, a pair of chopsticks, and a soup spoon were given out to each guest as symbolic gestures of having plentiful in life. For 80th birthdays, peaches are supposed to be given as a sign of longevity. Let’s hope they are in season by then, otherwise, we will have to resort to plastic ones (?).

Besides scouting for a suitable restaurant my task is to also design and oversee the production of the invitation cards. My eldest sister is putting up a slide show and I don’t know to what extent this would intensify as the event draws closer. I had also planned for some form of “entertainment” like maybe hiring belly dancers (seriously) or a pianist to perform on a grand piano. Then, my brother expressed concern that since most of the guests are of the octogenarian range, they might not stomach the entertainment part too well. We will have to deliberate on that. Apart from my second brother-in-law, the rest of the family is not too keen or receptive to humor or wit.

Well, let’s see how things will be by then, and the powers that be have just approved my design. They have specifically asked for a yellow-beige background. I would have chosen a more vibrant color. Nevertheless, I have enjoyed myself designing this cover.

Must be wondering why the chicken? Because my dad was born in the year of the chicken.

Update 3 March 2024-The Big Day

I didn’t follow up with an update or a sequel to this post. I remember being fizzled out mentally from work as we were in transition between bosses. I never doubted my team at work as we still efficiently met deadlines with quality work in the absence of a boss or supervisor.

The event went very well except for a few glitches, particularly with the photographer. He never showed up but he was not at fault. It was me who got the dates wrong. We are still cordial but I will resolve it one day soon and an apology will have to be from me. He was also a former colleague.

One sad outcome that affected Dad was his niece; my cousin who called and enthusiastically requested for a whole table with her family and siblings never showed up. There were no calls prior or after to explain their reason for the absence or no-show. My parents never pursued the issue of that one table left vacant and Dad also made us not to (persue). His reason was that he didn’t want any possible friction being derived from it should that subject be brought up.

That day was a happy one for me as well as a relief after all the hard work. My siblings couldn’t have helped much even if they wanted to because they were based overseas and outstation. Mom didn’t want such an event for her own 80th after witnessing all the stress associated with Dad’s. I wouldn’t have minded if Mom or Dad wanted another milestone birthday bash. The slide show never happened or any other sort of planned entertainment. We realized that who would bother with someone else’s slideshow or remember any of it after the event? I even said no one would even want to pay any attention to it at or during the event! Last year would have been his 91st if he had lived. Mom still prefers frill-free ‘quiet’ birthday gatherings with her family.

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Started coming here with my parents once every year during the Nine Emperor Gods Festival after we moved back from Ipoh when I was 15. My earliest memory of going to a Nine Emperor Gods Festival was being in my grandmother’s arms and the thick smoke inside the temple (in the main Nine Emperor Gods Festival temple in Ampang, Kuala Lumpur) from the incense that made me tear and could barely open my eyes.

This year, we went early in the morning before the crowd swelled to sheer suffocation later in the day. I could even get a parking space without any stress! The smoke from the incense inside the temple has been regulated by volunteers to remove it from the incense holders before that could overwhelm the space (ventilation is bad inside the temple).

This could also be the last time I am visiting this temple as they are building a new one about a kilometer away. This was also the first time that I am witnessing a sharp sunbeam emanating from the skylight behind the main altar! A sign of the divinity?


The paper ship that would symbolically transport the “Emperor Gods” back to the heavens on the ninth and last day of the festival. It will be set on fire as it drifts out into the ocean. Don’t ask me how the “Emperors” would be put onto the “Celestial Ship”. I could remember more colorful and elaborate ships in previous years compared to this one. Cost-saving measure, I guess. The lesser the color the cheaper it gets.

The temple from the outside. That’s Mom (in a red blouse) on the left.

Artist’s impression of the new temple.

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My brother and I used to fight or bicker every waking hour of the day, week, and eventually years from when I was about 10 until he left for college about 4 plus years later. After he had graduated and came back for a few years before returning to the States to do his masters, yours truly, this highly evolved one still had to share a room with him where I was constipated with constant frustrations but refraining myself from any confrontations just to keep the peace. He was laconic in his communication with me but taciturn would be more apt in description.

Na, he wasn’t (that) a bad kid (nor was I). We just couldn’t get along or communicate the way most siblings would and that was all.

Being three years my senior, he was obviously bigger, taller and had martial arts training. When I had to fight him when being bullied , I could never topple or win any physical altercations. The only way I could fight back was putting on my thinking cap and start planning for retaliation sans any physical violence .

To get back at him, I normally worked in stealth! I would take my time. I would save my lunch money and head down to the downtown dingy toy store where they also sold stuff like stink bombs, itchy powder, fake rubber wriggly worms, snakes and insects! Unfortunately, those rubber critters couldn’t scare or affect him (come to think of it, none of the stuff from this store worked on my brother)!

The pranks that failed:

1) I once sprinkled itchy powder on the pouch of his underwear of all places. He didn’t feel anything except for some light prickly feeling ‘there’.

2) Dropped two mini vials of stink-bombs in between the textbooks in his school bag hoping that the books would somehow crush the vials somewhere in transit. Those stupid vials never broke and even if it did, the smell would only last 7-8 seconds. Furthermore, if he got cut by the broken shards of glass from the stink bombs, I am sure my parents would have grounded me till 80!

3) Removed one whole chapter from his textbook the night before while he was asleep after checking that the next day, his class would read and discuss on that very chapter of that book the next morning. My Mom came at me with a cane when she found out!

4) Ditto above but this time, I made tassels all around the pages of a chapter on another textbook with a pair of scissors hoping that his classmates would ridicule and laugh at him for that. He somehow never reported that to Mom nor did I ask him. He probably knew he was the one who made me mad in the first place.

Now, the ones that worked:

1) Reset his alarm clock. One night while I was taking a night cap with my parents in the kitchen at about 10-ish, I knew my brother would come down at any minute because I had tempered with his alarm clock right after he had gone to sleep. True enough, he walked into the kitchen in his full school uniform. Mom started giggling uncontrollably and to my surprise, she didn’t punish me. My brother just went back to bed and he also didn’t get back at me the next day.

2) Scoop a few of his guppies and fed them to the chicken.

3) Remove the colorful tails of some of his prized male guppies and threw them back into the aquarium.

4) Scoop a few more guppies and threw it into a big round shallow earthen pot that housed his ugly and stupid looking tutu fish that fed on smaller fishes (used to call his tutu fish a good for nothing fish until being fried with sweet and sour sauce by my grandma after a long period of time. Cannot recall if the fish meat was tough due to the age of the fish).

5) Removing parts from his model airplanes that he had painstakingly assembled – a wheel or a propeller blade at a time.

6) My brother was a disciplined kid and would assemble his folded uniform on a stool by his bed every night – the shirt, the pants, belt, metal school badge and underwear. I would remove any one of those items after he had gone to bed (he was also the ONLY one in our family who slept early. My sisters and I described him as, ‘chicken-eyed’ because of that).

7) You could do so much with his music cassette tapes and put them back into their cases as if no one had touched them. I don’t think I need to elaborate on this. Couldn’t do too many though because I liked music a lot even at that age and if I destroyed the ones that I liked, I won’t get to listen to them and buying a tape or record was a luxury then – bootleg or otherwise.

8) I got into the bathroom and locked myself inside just in time before he could catch and would have probably clobbered me. How did I get out of it despite him being persistent and waited by the door for me to eventually excite from the bathroom? I poured talcum powder into my mouth and with my saliva, it formed into a gooey substance (NEVER try this at home for it’s a definite health-hazard)! I opened the door and instead of coming at me, he back-tracked calling me a mad man after noticing my mouth. I obviously couldn’t talk but my facial expression told him to back off or I spit! We ended up laughing instead afterwards.

There, I was this lively, cheerful but a tad mischievous kid until my family relocated from Ipoh back to Petaling Jaya. At the same time, ALL my siblings were shipped off to college along with my cousins! I evolved into a socially troubled teenager but that’ll be another story.

My brother and I still don’t talk much to this day, even though I am now bigger, taller, and just two belts away from black in Taekwondo. Of course I will protect him if somebody ever hurt him.

Above: My brother and I circa…oh I can’t recall but this is my favourite photo of the two of us!

Related post: “the crawlies get creepier with age

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While on our way out to a white themed departmental lunch this afternoon, my colleagues and current boss Ray decided to drop by our former boss’ house to give her a Christmas hamper. Bee was so thrilled to see us! She even threatened to lock us in!

As a boss, she was tough, straight-forward, genuine and incredibly supportive! The greatest gift that she gave me was her believe in me! She was also known as being incredibly protective over her staff and would put up a tough fight when anyone of us were wronged.

So, where can you find a person like her? At this juncture, nowhere else but here.

Bee (the obvious one) and her “babies”!

all good things but 10 years too short

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These are just a few surviving photographs of Dad’s taken when he was a student at Scotch College in Melbourne circa 1950s. We have lost quite a bit of those photographs and I have personally destroyed some as a kid (and my dad would still occasionally remind me on it unless we don’t go there about his college days or the subject on old photographs!). Until this day I can still recall tearing up some of those prints and flinging them over the balcony of our apartment/flat on the 6th floor!

Kudos for modern technology where I can salvage whatever is left and store them digitally.

My Dad rented a room from an Italian family. He still talks of them as being very warm, caring and treated my Dad as part of their family. In the image above, the eldest son of the family is picking my Dad up from the airport.

One of the experiences that my Dad still loves to tell from his Scotch College days is where he became a subject of mass attention whenever they were called in for ‘mass’ physical/medical check-ups or examinations. They all had to strip down to complete nudity before being asked to stand in line for their turns to go to the doctor’s desk. Before he could even get into the line, he would be surrounded by other white students. They would stare, point at my Dad’s crotch and whisper amongst themselves and giggle. Dad was the only Asian in the whole college at that time.

Here, Dad is posing in front of the main building. Probably circa 1954-55.

Picnic with his friends – the couple on Dad’s right are now residing in Bangkok. They own a gas/petrol station or kiosk. According to dad, the wife was possessive over her husband then and that hasn’t change until now. They still meet whenever my parents have to go to Bangkok.

As a part-time volunteer ranger!

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